Ngura Pulka – Epic Country centres around a 3 x 3-metre painting created by Mrs Matjangka Norris, a senior artist and law woman from Kaltjiti Community in the Aṉangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands. It includes a digital augmented-reality experience of Mrs Norris performing the inma (cultural song and dance) of the traditional story told in her artwork. The exhibition also features some of the most talented emerging artists from the APY Lands, who have created works in response to this key piece.


Matjangka Norris with Kukika Adamson, Freda Brady, Tanya Brady, Beverley Burton, Madeline Curley, Stanley Douglas, Yaritji Heffernan, Iwantja Women’s Collaborative, Aaron Ken, Josephine Mick, Joylene Presley, Josina Pumani, Gladys Roberts, Joyce Robin, Sally Scales, Emma Singer, Carol Stevens, Rhoda Tjitayi, Meredith Treacle, Pauline Wangin and the Woods Family Collaborative.
Pitjantjatjara people, South Australia

Zaachariaha Fielding
Pitjantjatjara/Yankunytjatjara people, South Australia

Gina Rings
Kokatha people, South Australia

Special Events

Opening Event
Featuring performances by Matjangka Norris and Gina Rings with the SA First Nations Dance Collective
Wed 13 Oct, 6–8pm
RSVP essential


Wheelchair accessibility, accessible toilets

Presenting Partners
  • APY Art Centre Collective
