Tarnanthi - Across the generations: 60 years of art making
9 Oct – 28 Nov 2021
This year Kaltjiti Arts marks 60 years as an art centre in Kaltjiti/Fregon, in the Aṉangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands. Across the Generations celebrates the skill, creativity and storytelling of the original Kaltjiti artists and today’s award-winning artists, their descendants. The exhibition includes historical and contemporary works, showing the family ties between past and present artists that have spanned six decades and highlighting the stories that have been passed on through the generations. Works on display include paintings, batik, punu (woodwork) and tjanpi (grass) woven baskets.
Shane Brown, Taylor Cooper, Imitjala Curley, Madeline Curley, Maria Curley, Delma Forbes, Kani George, Mantuwa George, Manyitjanu Lennon, Matjangka (Nyukana) Norris, Fiona Pompey, Gladys Roberts, Joanne Roberts, Kathy Maringka Roberts, Jamaica Robin, Jeannie Langiliki Robin, Joyce Robin, Pollyanne Smith, Ingrid Treacle, Meredith Treacle, Celena Tunkin
Pitjantjatjara people, South Australia
Witjiti George, Kunmanara (Robin) Kankankapatja (deceased) & Kunmanara (Tali Tali) Pompey (deceased)
Pitjantjatjara/Yankunytjatjara people, South Australia
Natalie Robin
Pitjantjatjara/Luritja people, South Australia/ Northern Territory
Special Events
Opening Event
With welcome to country by Courtney Hunter Hebberman
Artist performance by Matjangka Norris
Guest speaker Nici Cumpston
Sat 16 Oct, 2pm
Wheelchair accessible, accessible toilets
Presenting Partner
Hahndorf Academy