Tarnanthi Exhibition

Stone Tape Theory is a durational sound-performance in which artist Sarah-Jane Norman mines the shifting terrain of her own memory. The work takes its name from an obscure paranormal hypothesis in which ghostly presences are explained not as discarnate souls, but as electro-magnetic “imprints” in space.

Occupying a space in complete blackout for 6 hours per day over 5 days, Norman’s performance is a continuously vocalised stream of associative memories transcribed to cassette tape. Stone Tape Theory asks: what does it means to be “haunted”? What is a haunting, if not a memory in space? And what is a memory, if not a haunting of the body?

Stone Tape Theory is curated by Emma Webb and Steve Mayhew.

Stone Tape Theory has been commissioned as part of Near and Far, the inaugural project of new contemporary arts organisation Performance & Art Development Agency. This project is supported by Arts SA and Adelaide City Council.