Make and drape a cape.

Dennis Golding was given a batman cape when he was five. Since then he’s been wondering about who gets to be a hero and who doesn’t.

What do you think are the qualities that a hero possesses?

Today, Dennis lives in Sydney and is from the Kamilaroi/Gamilaraay nation which is in northern New South Wales and crosses into Southern Queensland. In his work he explores strength, power and resilience. He invites us all to be super heroes.

Make and drape a cape that signals who you are. Celebrate your strengths and tell us all about your super power.

For Schools

The Studio is open weekdays during school term for a free facilitated session, all materials provided.

The AGSA Studio features works of art made for The Future is Here, a collaboration between artist Dennis Golding and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from Alexandria Park Community School first exhibited at Carriageworks, Sydney

Create a design for a cape that is inspired by the things you love. You could use an old t-shirt or bed sheet for the base of your cape and embellish it with paint, sequins, fabric or glitter. Photograph yourself wearing your cape.

Nat Rogers

Presented by

  • James and Diana Ramsay Foundation