Monster Sculptures
Transform and combine found objects to make sculptural creatures with hybrid features.
- Collect a selection of interesting objects.
Some Ideas: Cardboard rolls, small cardboard boxes, old wrapping paper, wool, string, bendy wire, interesting sticks, leaves, seedpods, from your backyard, or the local park, plastic packaging, pipe cleaners, plasticine. - Look at what you have collected. Play around with ways of putting the pieces together to make a monster.
- Use wool or string to wrap and join it all together. Or maybe you have masking tape or sticky tape, or plasticine to hold it all together. If you have a glue gun at home, you could use it to glue your creature together.
- To make monster I used a paper cup, a plastic fork, some coloured popsticks, a sparkly pipe cleaner, all held together, by wrapping with some wool.
- To make my second monster, I used an egg carton, a cardboard roll, some red net from a fruit bag, a paper plate and a texta to draw the eyes.
- To make my third monster, I collected some gumnuts, and some interesting leaves from my garden and wired them together with the
in florists wire. - Write a story about an adventure that your Monster might have.