You're in: Home What's On Programs Neo Neo Ambassadors Neo Ambassador Application Form Neo Ambassador Application Form Apply to be a 2024 Neo Ambassador First Name Last Name The name I go by is Date of birth I most identify as Female Male Non-binary/Genderqueer Prefer not say Do you have any access requirements? Is there anything we can do to support your participation as a Neo Ambassador? Your Mobile Your Email Your Home Address Please include street, suburb, and postcode. Institution Name (e.g. school, college, TAFE) Year Level Tell us a little bit about yourself. Give an example of how you have shown leadership. This could be at home, school, among your friends, volunteer work, extra-curricular activities etc. Tell us if you have any specific creative skill/s, and how you might use it through Neo. This could be at home, school, among your friends, volunteer work, extra-curricular activities etc. Parent/Guardian First Name Parent/Guardian Last Name Parent/Guardian Phone Parent/Guardian Email Emergency Contact First Name Emergency Contact Last Name Emergency Contact Phone What is your relationship to your Emergency Contact? (E.g. Parent, aunt, grandparent) Application Checklist I have permission from my parent/guardian to apply. I am aged between 13 and 17 years. I have a strong interest in art, creativity and culture I am able to make my way to and from the Gallery for meetings and events I can commit to my role on the Ambasssador Committee for the full year. I am able to contribute to and attend the six Neo events in 2024. I can attend the two dedicated Neo Hot House: Planning and Professional Development days on Wednesday 24 January 2024 and Wednesday 17 July 2024 at AGSA. I have permission to communicate with key Gallery staff via email, text or phone. I have access to and permission to use Instagram. If invited for an interview, Neo will ask you to provide parent/guardian permission to participate, alongside details to be used in a medical emergency and an image release form. Without returning these signed forms, you will not be able to be interviewed.