Access All Areas
Thu 8 & Fri 9 Jun 2023
A symposium championing Deaf and disabled equality in arts and culture
Access All Areas is a two-day, interactive symposium exploring how galleries, museums and the broader arts and cultural sector can champion equality through their spaces, programs and consultation.
Convened by the Arts and Cultural Access Community of Practice and supported by Arts South Australia, the event will elevate disabled voices alongside the work of allies in the arts and cultural sector.
Featuring panel discussions, training, workshops, lightning talks and networking opportunities, Access all areas will empower delegates to:
- Plan and implement programs for Deaf and disabled audiences
- Build networks across Adelaide’s extensive arts and disability sector
- Consider access across all aspect of operations, from programming to people and culture
- Collaborate with Deaf and disabled artists
- Advocate for improved access within the sector
Presenters include:
Anna Zagala, Associate Curator, Samstag Museum of Art (she/her)
Bec Young, Chief Executive, Access2Arts (she/her)
Grace Marlow, Public Programs Coordinator, Adelaide Contemporary Experimental (they/them)
Karina Morgan, Education Support Officer, Art Gallery of South Australia (she/her)
Lara Torr, Manager Strategic Projects, South Australian Museum (she/her)
Meg Riley, Access and Inclusion Coordinator, Access2Arts (she/they)
Natalie Carfora, Exhibitions Lead, MOD. (she/her)
Natalie Castree, Manager Access and Learning, South Australian Museum (she/her)
If you are interested in presenting at the symposium, please explore the get involved section for more information.
Get involved
Do you have a great story to tell about Deaf and disabled equality in the arts and cultural sector? Or do you have a great example to share from another sector? We are calling for expressions of interest for the Lightning Strikes section of the symposium.
Lightning Strikes are short, snappy presentations designed to spark an idea amongst the symposium attendees, to highlight one of your projects, or explore a concept or word that has a lot of meaning to you.
Ideal length for presentations is five minutes, but this is flexible and more time can be negotiated for participants with a communication disability.
Lightning Strikes presentations will take place on both days of the symposium.
Please contact accessallareas@gmail.com or phone 0407 184 575 if you require an application process in another format.
If your proposal is successful, you will receive a free ticket to the event. An access stipend to support transport or other costs is available for Deaf or disabled applicants.
Applications are open until 5pm on Friday 5 May and applicants will be advised of the outcome of their application by Friday 12 May.
Access information for this event
Access All Areas is designed the be innately accessible. Accommodations will include:
- An event access guide, including transport and venue information, to be shared prior to the event
- Auslan interpretation (with attendees able to access interpreters during breaks for networking purposes)
- Closed captions (in-room and online)
- A dedicated quiet room
- Livestream access for any delegates who are unable to attend both days in-person
- Recovery breaks throughout the program
- Elements of audio description embedded into symposium presentations
- Access advocates at the event, who can be approached to support unforeseen access requirements in real-time
- An optional Deaf and disabled-only session to support cultural safety and autonomy
What will this look like in practice? We are trying to create an event where delegates can move, respond, communicate, rest and interact in ways that support their needs. This will not be an event where you sit and observe presenters for hours without a break. We encourage delegates to share their access requirements through the booking process and work with organisers to ensure an accessible event experience.
If you have any enquiries contact accessallareas@gmail.com
Access All Areas is presented by Access2Arts, Adelaide Contemporary Experimental, Art Gallery of South Australia, MOD, Samstag Museum of Art and South Australian Museum