Teens / Online
Dungeons & Dragons
Saturday 12 Dec 2020
5 & 7pm sessions
13-17 years
To book a place, email neo@artgallery.sa.gov.au with your name, age, postcode, and preferred session time!
Feeling adventurous? Dungeons & Dragons is back by popular demand! We’ve brewed up another monster-riddled dungeon crawl for you.
These exclusive online games are hosted by local artists and educators. Sessions run for approximately 60 minutes and are suitable for beginners and more experienced players.
Bookings are essential and places are limited.
What do I need?
- Read our How-To Guide for D&D below
- Select a character below and print ready for the game! If you want to play a character you’ve created yourself, just make sure they’re Level 3.
- A desktop computer, laptop, or smartphone
- The chargers for these devices
- If you have access to 2x of these devices (say, a laptop and a smartphone), that is ideal but not essential! It just means you can use a dice-rolling app on your phone, while staying on the video call on your laptop.
- Whichever device/s you use, it will need to have working audio and video