Seeing Through Darkness
‘One is never finished seeing and watching, our eyes are the door of the spirit and the light of the mind.’
Directed by Michelle Ryan of Restless Dance Theatre, Seeing Through Darkness responds through performance to the work of Expressionist artist Georges Rouault. As Ryan states, the imperfect form of the body and the troubled soul of the work resonate with how people with disability can feel and be perceived. Some may be confronted while others may see beauty in difference.
Seeing through Darkness is an immersive experience, one that is both a participatory exhibition and a fifteen-minute performance, in which elements of dance, music, lighting design and moving image are
assembled. Outside performance times, visitors will be able to transform the space themselves – by means of their own shadow, cast in vibrant colour in overlapping arcs on gallery walls.
Presented by
In partnership with Restless Dance Theatre
Michelle Ryan
Geoff Cobham and Meg Wilson
Hilary Kleinig and Emily Tulloch
Kathryn Adams, Chris Dyke, Jianna Georgiou, Michael Hodyl, Alexis Luke and Michael Noble.
Assistant Director
Larissa McGowan