Jacobus Capone
The intrepid practice of Jacobus Capone is hinted at in this work filmed in Lisbon, Portugal over seven consecutive sunrises. Titled Forgiving Night for Day, the work is a reflection on ‘saudade’ – the Portuguese word that describes an experience of deep nostalgia and longing for people, places and times irrevocably lost. The moving-image work captures the emotive and sombre register of traditional Fado singers performing at viewpoints overlooking the city of Lisbon as the sun rises. Each a cappella performance is staggered, with the last fadista concluding as the sun rises.
Since 2009 Capone has been exhibiting nationally and internationally, as well as participating in festivals and residencies including the Australia Council residency in Helsinki in 2011. Most recently he won the prestigious invitation-only John Stringer Prize held at the Kerry Stokes Collection, Perth 2016, and is currently undertaking an internationally awarded fellowship at Villa Ruffieux in Switzerland.