As part of our response to COVID-19, Neo You Are Here has transformed into a chilled summer afternoon of creative labs! Get a taste of four awesome workshops with local artists, including street art, animation, drawing and a silent disco! Can't attend IRL? Jump into a creative lab online - scroll down to check out the options marked with 📱!

Joining in-person? Your wicked workshop circuit includes:

Aerosol Stencilling with Peter Drew

Make your mark in a hands-on aerosol stencilling session with South Australian artist Peter Drew, taking inspiration from the striking cyanotype prints by Elisa Jane and Sonja Carmichael as part of Open Hands.

Silent Disco

Dance your way through the gallery in an immersive silent disco with Disco Diddi, with a playlist showcasing the latest hits from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists.

Animation with Mitch Hearn

Get animating with South Australian artist Mitch Hearn! Grab a tablet and be inspired by the surrounding artworks of Tarnanthi.

Drawing with Anna Dowling

Jump into a collaborative drawing and mapping session with Anna Dowling, in response to the collaborative works by Betty Muffler and Maringka Burton.


In celebration of the last Neo for the year, make sure to grab a present on your way out!

Sky Doodles - Courtyard

Grab a sugar sculpture from Sky Doodles, the experts in fairy floss.


1pm - Arrive and sign in
1.15-2pm - Round 1: Creative Lab
2.15-3pm - Round 2: Creative Lab
3.15-4pm - Round 3: Creative Lab
4.15-5pm - Round 4: Creative Lab
5pm - End of day!

Joining online? Email us at to book into one of these creative labs:

📱Dungeons & Dragons - 5pm & 7pm

Want to go for a magic ride on the world of Dungeons & Dragons? Our online gaming sessions are back! These exclusive online games are hosted by local artists and educators. Sessions run for approximately 60 minutes and are suitable for beginners and more experienced players.

📱Still Life Drawing with Thomas Readett - 6pm

Explore the fundamental techniques of still-life drawing with South Australian artist Thomas Readett in this free 90 minute session. Take inspiration from artworks in Tarnanthi: Open Hands that feature sentimental or significant objects, and be prepared to add your own favourite object to the drawing!

📱Introduction to Auslan - 7pm

Auslan is the official language of Deaf people living in Australia - join us in this fun workshop and learn some basic Auslan skills such as fingerspelling, numbers, and everyday signs. Presenters are Deaf Auslan tutors - no sound required!

As part of our response to COVID-19:

  • Register for the event at the link.
  • Numbers and capacity restrictions for each space apply.
  • Remember to social distance, wash your hands, and use hand sanitizer frequently.
  • If you’re not well or experiencing flu-like symptoms, please join us online instead of at the Gallery.

Since 2016, Neo has welcomed over 6000 teens to the Art Gallery of South Australia.

Presented by

  • The Balnaves Foundation
  • Tynte