First Fridays: A Garden Party with Clarice
Friday 5 Mar 2021
Kick-start your weekend with after-hours art and entertainment
Join us for a garden party on the AGSA lawns, relax as the sun sets to the gypsy jazz sounds of Monsieur Swing, listen to our first of three 'Poetics of Painting' presentations by Eleanor Amor or join artist Lucy Turnbull in an en plein air painting workshop.
From 5pm
Sculpture Garden
Enjoy a refreshing beverage at the pop up bar by our friends Jansz Tasmania & Archie Rose Distilling Co.
5pm & 7pm
Information Desk
Join a tour with a Gallery Guide to discover more about works of art in the collection or purchase a ticket to see the Clarice Beckett: The present moment.
From 5.30pm
Sculpture Garden
Clarice Beckett was an artist with mystic vision. Learn more about your own world and the journey your life can take with a 15 minute introduction tarot reading by Gloria Strzelecki Tarot. Gloria’s readings are often infused with astrological references, she also intrinsically includes the arts by delving into the iconography of the cards. Timed sessions, arrive early to avoid disappointment.
In the exhibition, exhibition ticket required
The Poetics of Painting: Ekphrasis in action – Part one
Artist, writer and curator Eleanor Amor presents Reflection on Clarice Beckett, a piece commissioned by fine print magazine. Eleanor’s thoughtful and expressive work share’s her knowledge of Beckett and expands our experience of her work.
6 – 8.30pm
Meet in the Radford Auditorium, bookings essential
Painting in the Moment: En plein air
Drawing inspiration from the Clarice Beckett exhibition, join artist Lucy Turnbull and experience the Karrawirra Pari (River Torrens) as the sun sets to create your own en plein air oil painting.
From 6pm
Sculpture Garden
Relax as the sun sets to the Gypsy jazz sounds of Monsieur Swing.
Jansz Tasmania
Enjoy some tantalising sparking wine served by our friends at Jansz Tasmania
Archie Rose Distilling Co.
Enjoy a refreshing beverage served by our friends at Archie Rose Distilling Co.
Art Gallery Food + Wine
Enjoy a light supper served by Art Gallery Food + Wine