Getting started
Bring the artist into the classroom
Today water levels are low in the Barka river at Wilcannia. Bates has been an activist who has promoted better management of the river systems.
Let's look together
Look closely at the lino prints by Bates. What plants and animals can you see? What else can you see?
Look at Life coming back to Moon Lake, Wilcannia by Bates. Are we looking at the river from above, like a bird would see it, or from the ground?
Look at a map of Australia and identify major waterways. How are they connected?
What animals rely on these rivers for survival? Research an extinct or endangered species in Australia. What can we do to prevent the species you have investigated from becoming extinct?
- NITV article, 22 June 2021, 'Uncle Badger Bates expresses fight for sacred river in art'
- ABC News article, 26 May 2021, 'Indigenous groups in Murray-Darling Basin fight to have their voices heard over water rights'
- ABC News article, 1 March 2021, 'Massive portraits of far west NSW water advocates displayed at Menindee Lakes'
- The Guardian Article, 28 Feb 2021, 'It’s a funeral march’: French artist JR’s powerful eulogy for Australia's Murray-Darling'
Badger Bates shares insights into his practice
Making and responding
Create a tribute for an extinct or endangered Australian animal