Bob Burruwal
- Date of birth
- 1952
- Place of birth
- Bolkdjam, Northern Territory
- Date of death
- 2021
- Language group
- Rembarrnga people, Northern Territory
Bob Burruwal 1952 – 2021
Dancing belt
1996natural ochres on bush string, cockatoo feathersAccession no: 966A98A -
Lena Yarinkura 1960 , Bob Burruwal 1952 – 2021
2017wood, Sulfur-crested Cockatoo feathers (Cacatua galerita), earth pigments, fibre, digital video with soundAccession no: 20177S40(a-o) -
Bob Burruwal 1952 – 2021pandanus (Pandanus Spiralis), kurrajong (Brachychiton Populneus), and paperbark (Melaleuca Quinquernervia) and earth pigmentsAccession no: 20202S20